Captain of the naval army that belonged to the JP Family. He lived in the century preceding the 2nd Encounter, and was part of the JP Family lineage.

JP Familyに属する海軍の大佐。 彼は2nd Encounterの 前の世紀に生きており、JP Familyの 一族の一員だった。

He was different from former captains in that he led the navy remotely while roaming the earth. He married Mom Toya after the met during one of his many journeys, and they had a secret child together; the first child to have both JP and NX parents.

彼はそれまでの大佐とは異なり、世界を放浪しながら海軍を遠隔指揮していた。彼は数多くの旅の中で出会ったMom Toyaと結婚し、秘密裡に子供を設けた。JPNX両方の親を持つ最初の子供であった。

He was able to defeat Shomyo during the 2nd Encounter with the aid of a powerful aircraft provided to him by the Green Dweller. It was the first ever aircraft to have come out of the Lawliet Womb.

彼はGreen Dwellerより与え られた強力な戦闘機の助けを得て、2nd Encounterの最中にShomyoを倒すことができた。それはLawliet Wombから創り出された最初の戦闘機であった。

Vagabond was assassinated by members of his family after news broke that he had offspring with a member of the NX Family.

VagabondはNX Familyの メンバーと子供を設けたことが明らかになった後、一族から暗殺された。
