A wormhole-tunnel near Uberleet, built by the ancient humans from the Forgotten Past.
忘却の過去の古代人類により建設された、Uberleetの 近くにあるワームホールトンネル。
Its conception marked the beginning of a new era in science and technology; humans have discovered the secret to opening fissures in space, and deep space finally become within reach.
Following this breakthrough, the Devil issued the first global manslaughter operation later known as a 1st Encounter.
この飛躍的進歩の直後に、魔王は後に1st Encounterとして知られる最 初の世界的虐殺を起こした。
Though the technology behind opening wormholes had long been last after the 1st Encounter, the Paw Pad was exploited by the NX Family to propel Rym 9000 into the Moon, and is still to this day the primary destination of Revolutionaries.
ワームホールを開く技術は1st Encounterの後に久しく途切れてしまったが、Paw PadはNX FamilyがRym 9000を月へと送 り込むのに使われた。そして、今日ではPaw PadはRevolutionariesに とって最も大事な目的地となっている。